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Are we human?: The design of the species: 2 seconds, 2 days, 2 years, 200 years, 200,000 years; This book is published by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts for the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennal, 22 October - 20 November 2016.

Inhaltstyp (RDA) Text
Medientyp (RDA) ohne Hilfsmittel zu benutzen
Datenträgertyp (RDA) Band
1. Person/Familie Colomina, Beatriz [HerausgeberIn]
2. Person/Familie Wigley, Mark [HerausgeberIn]
Titel Are we human?: The design of the species: 2 seconds, 2 days, 2 years, 200 years, 200,000 years; This book is published by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts for the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennal, 22 October - 20 November 2016.
Verantw.-ang. Editors: Beatriz Colomina, Mark Wigley ; published by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts
Verlagsort (RDA) Istanbul
Verlag (RDA) Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts
E-Jahr (RDA) 2016
Umfangsangabe 578 Seiten : Illustrationen
Weitere Angaben Ausstellungskatalog
Ang. über Schrift/Sprache usw. Text englisch und türkisch
ISBN 978-3-03778-512-6
ISBN 3-03778-512-8
Schlagwort / lok. Istanbul / Design Biennal
Schlagwort / lok. Mensch / Körper
Schlagwort / lok. Körper / Kunst
Bestand 1
fo Istanbul 12/Desi/1

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