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European photography: The independent art magazine for contemporary photography and new media

Art u. Inhalt Zeitschrift
Titel European photography: The independent art magazine for contemporary photography and new media
Verlagsort Göttingen
Verlagsort Berlin
Verlag Müller-Pohle
Zsf. u. off. Bandauf. 1.1980-53.1993; 55.1994-
Weitere Angaben Zusatz anfangs: the international art magazine for contemporary photography and new media Nebent. teils: Art magazine
ISSN 0172-7028
URL https://equivalence-shop.com/epages/436a6e69-a9a6-4e16-b46c-50e03f48687c.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/436a6e69-a9a6-4e16-b46c-50e03f48687c/Categories
Bestand 46
fo Z/Euro

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