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Eraserhead: A dream of dark and troubling things

Physikal. Form DVD
1. Person/Familie Lynch, David [Regie]
2. Person/Familie Nance, John [Darst.]
3. Person/Familie Stewart, Charlotte [Darst.]
Titel Eraserhead: A dream of dark and troubling things
Verantw.-ang. [Darsteller:] John Nance, Charlotte Stewart, Laurel Near... Sound Alan R. Splet. Written, Produced & Directed by David Lynch.
Verlag Universial Studios
E-Jahr 2012
Umfangsangabe DVD, Spieldauer ca. 85 Min. Bonus: 82 Min.
Weitere Angaben Feature Soundtrack: english. - Subtitels: english. -Speacial feature: Lynch one - A fascinating insight to one of cinema´s greatest minds as David Lynch makes his last feature film, Inland Empire. - FSK 18
Verl-,Produkt.- u. BNR v. Musikal. Best. Nr. 828 880 1
Schlagwort / lok. Lynch, David
Bestand 1
fo Medienschrank 31/Lynch/8

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