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Hammershøi: painter of northern light ; published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Musée Jacquemart-André, Institut de France, March 14, 2019 through July 22, 2019

Inhaltstyp (RDA) Text
Inhaltstyp (RDA) unbewegtes Bild
Medientyp (RDA) ohne Hilfsmittel zu benutzen
Datenträgertyp (RDA) Band
1. Person/Familie Champion, Jean-Loup [VerfasserIn]
2. Person/Familie Claustrat, Frank [VerfasserIn]
3. Person/Familie Curie, Pierre [VerfasserIn]
4. Person/Familie Saabye, Marianne [VerfasserIn]
1. Körperschaft Musée Jacquemart-André <Fontaine-Chaalis> [GastgeberIn]
Bevorz. Titel des Werkes (RDA) Champion, Jean-Loup, Hammershøi (le maître de la peinture danoise, 2019)
Bevorz. Titel des Werkes (RDA) Champion, Jean-Loup
Bevorz. Titel des Werkes (RDA) Works, Selections
Titel Hammershøi: painter of northern light ; published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Musée Jacquemart-André, Institut de France, March 14, 2019 through July 22, 2019
Verantw.-ang. Jean-Loup Champion, Frank Claustrat, Pierre Curie, Marianne Saabye
Auflage English edition
Verlagsort (RDA) New York, NY
Verlag (RDA) Rizzoli Electa
E-Jahr 2023
E-Jahr (RDA) 2023
Umfangsangabe 175 Seiten : Illustrationen, Porträts (überwiegend farbig)
Formatangabe 29 cm
Weitere Angaben "Culturespaces, partager la culture.
Weitere Angaben Originally published in French as: Hammershøi : le maître de la peinture danoise. Bruxelles : Fonds Mercator, [2019]
Ang. über Schrift/Sprache usw. Translated from the French
Angaben zum Inhalt (RDA) Introductory essays. Hammershøi and his environment: or Hammershøi's interior / Jean-Loup Claustrat -- When silence is golden: Vilhelm Hammershøi, Peter Ilsted, Carl Holsøe, and others / Frank Claustrat -- Hammershøi and the Danish arts scene / Marianne Saabye -- The soul of the void: some Dutch predecessors of Hammershøi's art / Pierre Curie -- Catalogue. Hammershøi and his family environment: modern portraits -- Hammershøi's first interiors: a personal imprint -- Between dream and reality: the landscape -- Cityscapes: time suspended -- A new vision of the nude -- Silhouettes of everyday life: strange atmospheres -- The poetics of void and light
ISBN 978-0-8478-9928-9 : hardback
Inhaltliche Zsfg. "Showcasing the best works by the acclaimed Nordic master of light and solitude, this is the first major book on the artist since 1998. The paintings of Vilhelm Hammershøi (1864-1916) have become increasingly popular due their almost contemporary aesthetic. Admired and celebrated during his lifetime, Hammershøi gradually fell into oblivion before being rediscovered in the 1990s. He is now recognized as the iconic painter of Nordic light and solitude"--
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