Grootens, Joost: Blind maps and blue dots : The blurring of the producer-user divide in the production of visual information / Joost Grootens. - Zürich : Lars Müller Publishers, 2021. - 192 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 30 cm x 22 cmHochschulschrift ISBN 978-3-03778-658-1 : circa EUR 35.00 (DE) (freier Preis), circa EUR 36.00 (AT) (freier Preis), circa CHF 40.00 (freier Preis) - ISBN 3-03778-658-2
NBN-Nr.: 20,N42
Kartografie ; Gebrauchsgrafik ; Information Graphics
The shift towards digital modes of production has fundamentally changed both cartography and graphic design. The omni-present computer, the interactive possibilities of digital media and the direct exchange of visual information through networks have blurred the distinction between designers and users of visual information. Blind Maps and Blue Dots is the first work to explore the disappearing boundaries between producers and users of maps. Using three mapmaking practices as examples the Blue Dot, the location function in Google Maps; the Strava Global Heatmap, a world map showing the activities of a fitness app; and the Situation in Syria maps, a regularly updated map of the Syrian conflict made by an Amsterdam teenager renowned designer Joost Grootens shows the blurring of the binary distinction between producing and using, ultimately offering a whole new approach to graphic design.

Ex.: 28/30/14

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EXEMPLAR IDN:000079353 ; E-Datum:03.11.2021 ; K-Datum:03.11.2021
Eingangsdatum 03.11.2021
Zweigstelle ZB
Titel Blind maps and blue dots
Signatur 28/30/14
Zugangsnr. 2021/1165
Strichcode 052594
Preis 28.99
Medienart 000 - Monographie
Exemplarstatus 00 - Monographie
Ausleihstatus Verfügbar