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Ergebnisse für Bände zu Titel »International History of City Development«

  bis 8 von 8
(Sortierung durch Klick auf Spaltenüberschrift)  
1972 (2)
1965 (1)
1967 (1)
1964 (1)
1970 (1)


Autor▲▼ Titel▲▼      Jahr▲▼ Exp. Signatur

Urban Development in Central Europe (Gutkind, E. A.: International History of City Development ; Bd.1) 1964


Urban Development in the Alpine and Scandinavian Countries (Gutkind, E. A.: International History of City Development ; Bd.2) 1965


Urban Development in Southern Europe: Spain and Portugal (Gutkind, E. A.: International History of City Development ; Bd.3) 1967


Urban Development in Southern Europe: Italy and Greece (Gutkind, E. A.: International History of City Development ; Bd.4) 1969


Urban Development in Western Europe: France and Belgium (Gutkind, E. A.: International History of City Development ; Bd.5) 1970


Urban Development in Western Europe: The Netherlands and Great Britain (Gutkind, E. A.: International History of City Development ; Bd.6) 1971


Urban Development in East-Central Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary (Gutkind, E. A.: International History of City Development ; Bd.7) 1972


Urban Development in Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Romania, and the U.S.S.R. (Gutkind, E. A.: International History of City Development ; Bd.8) 1972


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