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Ali Cherri: 2021 National Gallery Artist in Residence

Inhaltstyp (RDA) unbewegtes Bild
Inhaltstyp (RDA) Text
Medientyp (RDA) ohne Hilfsmittel zu benutzen
Datenträgertyp (RDA) Band
1. Person/Familie Cherri, Ali [KünstlerIn]
2. Person/Familie Mistri, Priyesh [VerfasserIn von ergänzendem Text]
3. Person/Familie LeJeune, Rose [VerfasserIn von ergänzendem Text]
4. Person/Familie Roberts, Martin [VerfasserIn von ergänzendem Text]
1. Körperschaft National Gallery of Art <London> [Gastgebende Institution]
Titel Ali Cherri: 2021 National Gallery Artist in Residence
Verantw.-ang. Priyesh Mistry ; with contributions by Rose LeJeune and Martin Roberts
Verlagsort (RDA) London
Verlagsort (RDA) [New Haven ; London]
Verlag (RDA) National Gallery Company
Verlag (RDA) Yale University Press
E-Jahr 2022
E-Jahr (RDA) 2022
E-Jahr (RDA) 2022
Umfangsangabe 128 Seiten
Formatangabe 27 cm
Weitere Angaben Impressum: Published to accompany 2021 National Gallery Artist in Residence "Ali Cherri: If you prick us, do we not bleed?", The National Gallery, London, 16 March -12 June 2022
ISBN 1-85709-676-2 hardcover
ISBN 978-1-85709-676-7 hardcover
Schlagwort / lok. Cherri, Ali
Inhaltliche Zsfg. The National Gallery's second Artist in Residence is Ali Cherri (b. 1976), the Lebanon-born artist based in Beirut and Paris. Known for his sculptures, films and installations, Cherri is interested in the aesthetics, practices and politics associated with the museum classification and collecting of objects, animals, images, and their narratives. 0The first survey of Cherri's work in English, this book will give an overview of the artist's archaeological approach to the heritage of objects by investigating their relationships to history, society and nature. It will introduce Cherri to a broad audience and document his journey from the beginning of his residency to the production and display of the final work at the National Gallery, followed by the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum.00Exhibition: The National Gallery, London, UK (09.02.-08.05.2022) / Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry, UK (Summer 2022)
Bestand 1
fo 31/Cher/2

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