Kandinsky, Wassily: Point and line to plane : contribution to the analsysis of the pictorial elements / Kandinsky. - Englisch edition. - Zürich : Lars Müller Publishers, 2021. - 190 Seiten : Illustrationen, 1 four-color print, 102 figures, 25 diagrams + 1 Faltblatt (foreword and commentary: Astrid Bähr) . - (Bauhaus <Dessau>: Bauhausbücher ; 9)
Originally published in German under the title of "Punkt und Linie zu Fläche" by Albert Langen Verlag München in 1926, printed by Hesse & Becker Leipzig, printing blocks by Sickert & Reiche Dessau. English edition published by Lars Müller, adapted from the translation by Howard Dearstyne and Hilla Rebay, originally published as "Point and Line to Plane" © 1947 The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York. Used by permission. Revised end edited by Sarah Trenker, Virginia Gresham and Diana Murphy, 2020."
ISBN 978-3-03778-662-8 : EUR 45.00 (DE) (freier Preis), EUR 46.30 (AT) (freier Preis), CHF 50.00 (freier Preis) - ISBN 3-03778-662-0
Linie / Geschichte ; Kandinsky, Wassily

Ex.: 8/92/102 Bd.9

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EXEMPLAR IDN:000078779 ; E-Datum:12.08.2021 ; K-Datum:12.01.2022
Eingangsdatum 12.08.2021
Zweigstelle ZB
Titel Point and line to plane
Signatur 8/92/102 Bd.9
Zugangsnr. 2021/834
Strichcode 052367
Medienart 000 - Monographie
Exemplarstatus 00 - Monographie
Ausleihstatus Verfügbar