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Dike Blair - drawings

Inhaltstyp (RDA) unbewegtes Bild
Inhaltstyp (RDA) Text
Inhaltstyp (RDA) unbewegtes Bild
Medientyp (RDA) ohne Hilfsmittel zu benutzen
Datenträgertyp (RDA) Band
1. Person/Familie Blair, Dike [KünstlerIn]
1. Körperschaft Linn Lühn <Firma> [Gastgebende Institution]
Titel Dike Blair - drawings
Verlagsort (RDA) New York
Verlag (RDA) Karma
E-Jahr 2019
E-Jahr (RDA) [2019]
Umfangsangabe 98 Seiten
Formatangabe 32 cm
Weitere Angaben Catalog of an exhibition at Linn Lühn, Düsseldorf from September 6-October 26, 2019
ISBN 1-949172-33-3 hardcover
ISBN 978-1-949172-33-1 hardcover
Schlagwort / lok. Blair, Dike
Inhaltliche Zsfg. This book from New York-based artist Dike Blair (b. 1952) showcases his drawings from the past two years. Exploring the same imagery as his oil paintings and gouaches - ash trays, cups, mugs - allowed Blair to make his drawings "more effortless and free."
Bestand 1
fo 13/Blai/1

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