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Form + (and) Code: in Design, Art, and Architecture; A Guide to Computational Aesthetics

1. Person/Familie Reas, Casey
2. Person/Familie McWilliams, Chandler
1. Körperschaft LUST <Den Haag>
Titel Form + (and) Code: in Design, Art, and Architecture; A Guide to Computational Aesthetics
Verantw.-ang. Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, LUST.
Verlagsort New York
Verlag Princeton Architectural Press
E-Jahr 2010
Umfangsangabe 176 S: Ill.
Titel der Serie Design Briefs
ISBN 978-1-56898-937-2
Schlagwort / lok. Computergrafik
Schlagwort / lok. Computerkunst
Schlagwort / lok. Internet / Grafische Software
Bestand 2
fo 29/100/51 2.Ex.

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