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The clip-on method: Cady Noland

Inhaltstyp (RDA) unbewegtes Bild
Inhaltstyp (RDA) Text
Medientyp (RDA) ohne Hilfsmittel zu benutzen
Datenträgertyp (RDA) Band
1. Person/Familie Noland, Cady [KünstlerIn]
2. Person/Familie Anastas, Rhea [HerausgeberIn]
1. Körperschaft Galerie Daniel Buchholz <Köln> [Gastgebende Institution]
Titel The clip-on method: Cady Noland
Verantw.-ang. edited by Cady Noland and Rhea Anastas ; designed by Cady Noland ; typesetting, layout, and print production by Will Holder
Verlagsort (RDA) [New York?]
Verlag (RDA) Cady Noland, Rhea Anastas and Robert Snowden
E-Jahr 2021
E-Jahr (RDA) [2021]
Umfangsangabe 2 Bände
Weitere Angaben "THE CLIP-ON METHOD contains writing by Cady Noland, sociological essays selected by the artist, and a considerable amount of exhibition photography from the 1980s to the present." - Clip-on method website, gesehen 30.11.2021
Weitere Angaben "THE CLIP-ON METHOD Cady Noland, 17 June-18 September 2021. A new book by Cady Noland, edited and published by Cady Noland and Rhea Anastas. To accompany the release of this book Cady Noland has installed new works at Galerie Buchholz New York." - Website der Galerie Buchholz (https://www.galeriebuchholz.de/exhibitions/cady-noland-new-york-2021/, gesehen 30.11.21)
ISBN 978-0-578-90314-9
Schlagwort / lok. Noland, Cady
Schlagwort / lok. Konzept-Kunst
Anz. Bände 2
Bestand 1
fo 13/Nola/1 Bd.1-2

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